Friday, May 31, 2019
Frankenstein :: essays research papers
In a series of letters, Robert Walton, the captain of a ship bound for the North Pole,recounts to his sister back in England the progress of his dangerous mission. Successful earlyon, the mission is soon interrupted by seas full of impassable ice. Trapped, Walton encounters passe-partout Frankenstein, who has been traveling by dog-drawn sledge crossways the ice and isweakened by the cold. Walton takes him aboard ship, helps nurse him back to health, and hearsthe fantastic tale of the fanatic that Frankenstein created. victor first describes his early life in Geneva. At the end of a blissful childhood spentin the company of Elizabeth Lavenza (his cousin in the 1818 edition, his adopted sister in the1831 edition) and friend Henry Clerval, Victor enters the university of Ingolstadt to studynatural philosophy and chemistry. There, he is consumed by the desire to discover the secret oflife and, after several years of research, becomes convinced that he has constitute it.Armed with the knowledge he has long been seeking, Victor spends months feverishlyfashioning a creature out of old body parts. One climactic night, in the secrecy of his apartment,he brings his creation to life. When he looks at the monstrosity that he has created, however,the sight horrifies him. After a fitful night of sleep, interrupted by the phantasma of the monsterlooming over him, he runs into the streets, eventually wandering in remorse. Victor runs intoHenry, who has come to study at the university, and he takes his friend back to his apartment.Though the monster is gone, Victor falls into a feverish illness.Sickened by his horrific deed, Victor prepares to return to Geneva, to his family, andto health. Just before departing Ingolstadt, however, he receives a letter from his father making known him that his youngest brother, William, has been murdered. Grief-stricken, Victorhurries home. While passing through the woods where William was strangled, he catches sightof the monster and becom es convinced that the monster is his brothers murderer. Arriving inGeneva, Victor finds that Justine Moritz, a kind, gentle misfire who had been adopted by theFrankenstein household, has been accused. She is tried, condemned, and executed, despite herassertions of innocence. Victor grows despondent, guilty with the knowledge that the monsterhe has created bears responsibility for the death of two innocent loved ones.Hoping to ease his grief, Victor takes a vacation to the mountains. While he is aloneone day, crossing an enormous glacier, the monster approaches him. The monster admits the
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Reflective Essay on College Writing -- Reflective Essay
Reflective Essay on College Writing This semester was my very first semester as a college student. beingness the first, it was probably the semester I would learn the most in. I learned the expectations for writing that I will have to live up to for the next four old age of my college career. Though my high trail teachers were usually demanding because I was in the Honors side of meat section throughout high school, writing in college has still ?raised the shut? for me. Also, in high school, we would have weeks to pick a topic, create a thesis, outline the paper, write the paper, and then revise the paper. In college, the time restraints are non quite as lenient. I?ve had to learn to manage my time and be more productive with what free moments I have. Strangely enough, I?ve found the college English experience to be much more rewarding and enjoyable than in high school.Academically, I have learned many new ways to meet at literature. My high school teachers did not expose us t o many literary theories or how to apply them. Indeed, we learned well-nigh romanticism, realism, transcendentalism, etc. but never really related them to our writing. Most of the writing we did was simply based upon our own opinions. We hardly ever used secondary sources. I believe that deconstructionist conjecture was the most helpful theory I learned this year for analyzing literature. Breaking a poem up line by line or prototype by image or even a story into small sections made it a lot easier to grasp the main concepts of the work. Most of the time during this semester, however, I took a formalist point of attend.Also, unlike high school, the reading was much more entertaining. In high school, I really enjoyed very fewer of the texts that were discussed in class. In... ...d myself having in high school. I still tend to be a little too wordy at times, I misplace commas, and I still halt how to properly cite my research sources every now and them. I think I have become a li ttle more meticulous about looking over my papers, however. I make fewer careless mistakes and take more time writing my papers than I did in high school. My points of view are clearer, and I have not been using commas incorrectly quite as often. I hope to continue to improve in the next few long time of college as well. I haven?t received an ?A? on a paper yet, so my goal for the next few years of college is to eventually be able to consistently produce papers worthy of ?As.? I would also like to apply my writing more in school by possibly writing for New Morning in the future. I think Introduction to Literature has had a positive impact overall upon my literary skills.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Death, Illness and Decay in William Shakespeares Hamlet Essay
Death, Illness and Decay in William Shakespeares small town William Shakespeares small town is full of talk well-nigh death, dead bodies, murder, suicide, disease, graves, and so forth. And there is no traditional Christian comfort or promise of eventual justice or happiness for the good people. But the message is ultimately one of hope. crossroads is also definitely no saint, however, unlike most of the other characters in the play, he chooses not to compromise with evil. Near the end of Act I, Scene IV, as Marcellus and Horatio are deciding to secretly follow Hamlet and the ghost, Marcellus remarks something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Death, illness and decay are one of the central themes throughout the play. Hamlet begins with some of the guards on watch seeing an apparition of the recently deceased king, father of Hamlet, in Act I, Scene I. Soon afterwards, in Scene V, we stop that according to the ghost, King Claudius killed his own brother, and married his sis ter-in-law to gain the crown of Denmark. The ghost consequently asks Hamlet to revenge this death. From the beginning of Act II, Scene I, Hamlet sets about faking mental illness and insanity, as part of his plan for revenge against Claudius.In Act III, Scene II, there is going to be a play performed for the King, Queen, and nobles. Hamlet slightly modifies the play, altering the lines for some of the actors, in his continuing quest to find out the truth about his fathers death and seek revenge. The play begins with a narration that is pantomimed. The king and the queen profess their love for one another, the king falls asleep, and a villain pours poison into the kings ear and seduces the queen. During this time, Hamlet cracks dirty jokes and the king ment... ...orms Horatio that he has altered the Kings sealed document so that it asks for the deaths of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, his two friends which spied and betrayed him. Hamlet is challenged to a duel with Laertes. Hamlet suspects foul play from the onset, but expresses his willingness to take part in the fight anyway, even if it means his own death. During the match, Hamlet is mortally wounded, as is Laertes, The Queen accidentally drinks from the poisoned cup and dies, and a dying Hamlet first wounds Kings Claudius and then forces him to drink from the same lethal cup. Hamlet and Laertes forgive each other, Laertes dies, and Hamlet then names Fortinbras, the prince of Norway, as his successor to the throne after dissuading Horatio from joining him in death. The play ends with Fortinbras arriving, accepting the throne, and ordering a heros funeral for Hamlet.
Women Eutrepranuers - The Next Step :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
During the 1990s, American women have made unprecedented moves a authority from corporate business into the home-based work world. Seeking a way to incorporate their flight and personal interests with family responsibilities, they are tearing down the stereotype of Supermom and replacing it with Mompreneur, a new image that allows for more creativity, flexibility, and personal expression. The growth of home-based women-owned businesses has been phenomenal, especially when the traditional role of women is go forn into consideration. Until the 1950s (excluding a period during the early 1940s when women took up positions in the workforce vacated by men fighting in World fight II) America still embraced the ideal woman as a Donna Reeves stereotype (Scott 274). A woman was meant to stay at home and attend to her domestic duties, rise up her children, and support her husband in all things -- all done with grace, style, and no murmur of discontent (Behr and Lazar 18-19) Girls born during the 1950s grew up in a transitional world. Older women were beginning to make inroads in the work world, but there was as yet no emphasis on goal- setting, no encouragement to take up a career. Neither was there discouragement, but the lack of parental and teacher guidance created a generation of lost women, many of whom now plaque their midlife years with little or no idea of what to do with themselves. The generation that followed these lost women was more fortunate. Opportunities in the work force were opening up, and schools were beginning the tiresome process of restructuring and rethinking needed to encourage young women to seek career options. Many of these young women embraced this new opportunity, creating a generation of over-achievers who sought to carve out a place for themselves as equals in the corporate world. These women spawned the term Supermom and, in doing so, created an entirely new set of issues for women to face. Foremost among these issues was bu rnout. A majority of typical Supermoms were part of two-income families where twain husband and wife worked long hours. In the words of one Maryland woman who found herself with all the domestic duties in addition to her full-time career Something had to give. I thought, This is not right. Im cheating someone and Im probably cheating everyone, ... I needed to be home (Yoest 1).
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Finding James Cains Life in Mildred Pierce Essay -- Biography Biograp
Finding jam Cains Life in Mildred Pierce An individual is greatly influenced by his/her environment, life challenges, and experiences. As a result, in addition to imagination, a novelist uses his life experiences to bring out his/her books. The influence of James Cains life in his writing is obvious. In Mildred Pierce, James Cain utilized his characters to portray the hardships suffered in the Great Depression, characteristics that impressed him well-nigh his mother, and his experience with love. James Cain employed his experience of the Great Depression as a context of Mildred Pierce. Like any American who lived during this period, he suffered from this economic slowdown. In November 1931, Cain came to Hollywood to start a six-month contract with Paramount however, within six months of his arrival in Hollywood, Cain was out of job in the middle of the Depression(Contemporary Authors Online). Layoffs were vulgar because of the bad recess ion. Thus, although James Cain attained a job at Columbia, he quickly lost it (Skenazy 12). Consequently, Cain used the effects of the late 1920s market crash to create the story of Mildred Pierce. Bert, Mildreds husband, lost all his invested money in the AT&T stock on Black Thursday of 1929, and his plunge to ruin was so rapid he could hardly see Pierce Homes disappear on his way down (Cain 10). Similar to Bert, Cain was financially unstable, with a wife and two children to support. Cain wrote some stories and essays nevertheless, the... ...pedia of ground Biography Supplement, Vol. 19. Gale Group, 1999. Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich. The Gale Group 2001. (http// Hoopes, Roy. Cain The Biography of James M. Cain. Southern Illinois University Press, 1987. Marling, William. Hard-Boiled Fiction. Case Western Reserve University. Updated 2 August 2001. (http//www.cwru.e du/7177060/artsci/engl/marling/hardboiled/Cain%20James.HTM) Murray, Bill. James M. Cain July 1, 1892 - October 27, 1977.(http// Skenazy, Paul. Cain James M. (James Mallahan), 1892-1977. New York Continuum, 1989.
Finding James Cains Life in Mildred Pierce Essay -- Biography Biograp
Finding throng Cains Life in Mildred Pierce An several(prenominal) is greatly influenced by his/her environment, life challenges, and experiences. As a result, in addition to imagination, a novelist uses his life experiences to create his/her books. The influence of James Cains life in his create verbally is obvious. In Mildred Pierce, James Cain utilized his characters to portray the hardships suffered in the Great Depression, characteristics that impressed him about his mother, and his experience with love. James Cain employed his experience of the Great Depression as a context of Mildred Pierce. Like any American who lived during this period, he suffered from this economic slowdown. In November 1931, Cain came to Hollywood to start a sextette-month contract with Paramount however, within six months of his arrival in Hollywood, Cain was out of job in the middle of the Depression(Contemporary Authors Online). Layoffs were common because of the bad recession. Thus, although James Cain attained a job at Columbia, he quickly lost it (Skenazy 12). Consequently, Cain used the effects of the late 1920s market crash to create the story of Mildred Pierce. Bert, Mildreds husband, lost all his invested money in the AT&T stock on Black Thursday of 1929, and his plunge to ruin was so rapid he could hardly see Pierce Homes disappear on his style down (Cain 10). Similar to Bert, Cain was financially unstable, with a wife and two children to support. Cain wrote some stories and essays nevertheless, the... ...pedia of World Biography Supplement, Vol. 19. Gale Group, 1999. Reproduced in Biography Resource Center. Farmington Hills, Mich. The Gale Group 2001. (http// Hoopes, Roy. Cain The Biography of James M. Cain. Southern Illinois University Press, 1987. Marling, William. Hard-Boiled Fiction. Case Western Reserve University. Updated 2 August 2001. (http// Murray, Bill. James M. Cain July 1, 1892 - October 27, 1977.(http// Skenazy, Paul. Cain James M. (James Mallahan), 1892-1977. New York Continuum, 1989.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Counseling Case Study
It is imperative for every sort erupt counselor to consider the diversity certify in a multicultural setting of the students before the school counselors engage in their practice. In this cover, the focus would be on answering the series of questions regarding the entry of an ideal, therapeutic, and ethical steering sitting between therapist and node kin First, who is the soul to be consulted introductory the presentation of such kind of therapeutic sitting?Second, What would people learn from the execution of instrument of the cultural ethnical theories which would be beneficial for the multicultural societies in U. S.? Third, what be the cultural factors that need to be taken into good will in working or counseling with Latino families? and lastly, What argon the suggestions and exhortations at hand for the school counselors in transaction with both the teachers and the families of students in the U. S.? (Corey, 2001, p. 50). Body Who is the person to consult for t he presentation prior to such kind of therapeutic session? Foremost, the person who is to be consulted prior the presentation of a strategic therapeutic relationship is the client to gain from the session.The client or student should be debriefed by the school counselor in enjoin to discuss coveted goals for the therapy and counseling. Moreover, it is also compulsory for a counselor to clear the relationship of the client in family, and in the multicultural setting where the individual belongs it is to insure the characteristics of the culture and subcultures present, and how it plays a factor in developing the people and the institutions under it (Sue, Ivey, Pedersen, 1996).What would people learn from the implementation of the cultural ethnic theories? Clients in the counseling process would benefit from the implemented cultural ethnic theories. Internalization of such desired and acquired behaviors from the therapeutic process would be the goal of every counselor for their clients. Further more(prenominal), the school counselors should be able to develop efficient techniques on how to gain and acquire behaviors and attitudes that are similar to the desired behaviors of a specific culture (Sue & Sue, 1999 Pedersen, 2000).What are the cultural factors that are necessary in working with Hispanic families? Cultural factors have to be considered in working with Hispanic families. Some of these cultural factors in the Hispanic family include the following their ways of verbal and non-verbal communication, reason beliefs of the Hispanic culture, family systems, political, educational, and social principles which go as institutions and foundations that influence the intrinsic values of individuals in the Hispanic family.The challenge of being multicultural is posed to the counselors in order for them to gain the trust and append their rapport in their client in the counseling process (Freedman, 1999). What are the recommendations at hand for the school co unselors in dealing with both the teachers and the families of students in the U. S.? To core group it all up, school counselors must be flexible and increase ones insight to consider cultural diversities, ethnicity, dustup and race in the family and educational setting of Hispanic students residing in U. S (Clemente & Collison, 2000).Moreover, this calls for recommendation that there should be provision of more intensive training for school counselors to increase their awareness and stave off their own issues of stereotypes among clients who are culturally different from them. Furthermore, the case of the twin Hispanic boys maltreated by the Mexican should be entrust into account for the counselors to research more about their clients cultural background so they may be careful in treating their clients to avoid construe and increase the tendency for an effective counseling process(ASCA, 2006). References American School Counselor Association. (2006). Culturally responsive sch ool counseling for Hispanic/Latino students and families the need for bilingual school counselors. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from http//www. thefreelibrary. com/Culturally+responsive+school+counseling+for+Hispanic%2FLatino+students -a0153359897 Clemente, R. , & Collison, B. B. (2000). The relationship among counselors, ESL teachers, and students. Professional School counselling, 3, 339-349. Corey, G. (2001). Theory and practice of counseling and psych otherapy.SG Wadsworth. Freedman, K. F. (1999). Multicultural Counseling. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from http//www. alaska. net/fken/Multiculture. htm Sue, D. W. , Ivey, A. E. , Pedersen, P. (1996). A theory of multicultural counseling and therapy. Pacific Grove, CA Brooks/Cole. Sue, D. W. , & Sue, D. (1999). Counseling the culturally different Theory and practice. (3rd ed. ). New York Wiley. Pedersen, P. (2000). A handbook for developing multicultural awareness. (3rd ed. ). Alexandria, VA American Counseling Association.Counseli ng Case StudyIt is imperative for every school counselor to consider the diversity present in a multicultural setting of the students before the school counselors engage in their practice. In this paper, the focus would be on answering the series of questions regarding the presentation of an ideal, therapeutic, and ethical counseling session between therapist and client relationship First, who is the person to be consulted prior the presentation of such kind of therapeutic session?Second, What would people learn from the implementation of the cultural ethnic theories which would be beneficial for the multicultural societies in U. S.? Third, what are the cultural factors that need to be taken into consideration in working or counseling with Hispanic families? and lastly, What are the suggestions and recommendations at hand for the school counselors in dealing with both the teachers and the families of students in the U. S.? (Corey, 2001, p. 50). Body Who is the person to consult fo r the presentation prior to such kind of therapeutic session? Foremost, the person who is to be consulted prior the presentation of a strategic therapeutic relationship is the client to gain from the session.The client or student should be debriefed by the school counselor in order to discuss desired goals for the therapy and counseling. Moreover, it is also required for a counselor to understand the relationship of the client in family, and in the multicultural setting where the individual belongs it is to determine the characteristics of the culture and subcultures present, and how it plays a factor in developing the people and the institutions under it (Sue, Ivey, Pedersen, 1996).What would people learn from the implementation of the cultural ethnic theories? Clients in the counseling process would benefit from the implemented cultural ethnic theories. Internalization of such desired and acquired behaviors from the therapeutic process would be the goal of every counselor for thei r clients. Furthermore, the school counselors should be able to develop effective techniques on how to gain and acquire behaviors and attitudes that are similar to the desired behaviors of a specific culture (Sue & Sue, 1999 Pedersen, 2000).What are the cultural factors that are necessary in working with Hispanic families? Cultural factors have to be considered in working with Hispanic families. Some of these cultural factors in the Hispanic family include the following their ways of verbal and non-verbal communication, generalized beliefs of the Hispanic culture, family systems, political, educational, and social principles which serve as institutions and foundations that influence the intrinsic values of individuals in the Hispanic family.The challenge of being multicultural is posed to the counselors in order for them to gain the trust and increase their rapport in their client in the counseling process (Freedman, 1999). What are the recommendations at hand for the school counsel ors in dealing with both the teachers and the families of students in the U. S.? To sum it all up, school counselors must be flexible and increase ones insight to consider cultural diversities, ethnicity, language and race in the family and educational setting of Hispanic students residing in U. S (Clemente & Collison, 2000).Moreover, this calls for recommendation that there should be provision of more intensive training for school counselors to increase their awareness and avoid their own issues of stereotypes among clients who are culturally different from them. Furthermore, the case of the twin Hispanic boys maltreated by the Mexican should be put into account for the counselors to research more about their clients cultural background so they may be careful in treating their clients to avoid misunderstanding and increase the tendency for an effective counseling process(ASCA, 2006). References American School Counselor Association. (2006). Culturally responsive school counseling f or Hispanic/Latino students and families the need for bilingual school counselors. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from http//www. thefreelibrary. com/Culturally+responsive+school+counseling+for+Hispanic%2FLatino+students -a0153359897 Clemente, R. , & Collison, B. B. (2000). The relationship among counselors, ESL teachers, and students. Professional School Counseling, 3, 339-349. Corey, G. (2001). Theory and practice of counseling and psychotherapy.SG Wadsworth. Freedman, K. F. (1999). Multicultural Counseling. Retrieved November 18, 2008, from http//www. alaska. net/fken/Multiculture. htm Sue, D. W. , Ivey, A. E. , Pedersen, P. (1996). A theory of multicultural counseling and therapy. Pacific Grove, CA Brooks/Cole. Sue, D. W. , & Sue, D. (1999). Counseling the culturally different Theory and practice. (3rd ed. ). New York Wiley. Pedersen, P. (2000). A handbook for developing multicultural awareness. (3rd ed. ). Alexandria, VA American Counseling Association.Counseling Case StudyThis p aper is all about the discussion of prevalent claw cry occurring within the family. According to district counselors, the incident of frequent twist around among the children should be stopped by providing education and counseling session on corporal punishment and child abuse among the Hispanic and non-Hispanic parents in American societies. This paper then, focuses on the provision of proper education among the Hispanic families where corporal punishment and child abuse is more and more rampant.The foci stresses on the things that the families have to learn regarding the avoidance of abuse and imparts some cultural factors and recommendations that has to be taken into consideration when dealing with Hispanic families. The aforementioned objectives of this paper were expected to be met by the district school counselors in every community. Counseling Case Study Introduction Corporal punishment and frequent beat among children (which is commonly perceived to lead into child abus e) is becoming increasingly rampant in Hispanic and non-Hispanic families.For the parents especially the Hispanic parents, who wish to discipline their children, resort to such sudden negative backing in order to discipline their children. However, district counselors believe that frequent spanking which is a form of corporal punishment found that it does not lead to a favorable result among children in the long run. In so doing, the counselors investigated on the matter and they came up with devising other effective ways of disciplining children and counseling the parents as an alternate solution other than the negative punishment.Body I. Child Abuse within the Family A. Consultation prior the presentation of a need to alleviate child abuse In order for me to determine whether a case of child abuse occurred in a certain family, I need to consult fellow counselors or psychology colleagues to ask for their bet on opinion. There has to be a consensus and a social norm that has to fo llowed regarding the decision whether child abuse has occurred or just mere corporal punishment.Practically speaking, corporal punishment occurs only when there is no severe and intense punishment was executed due to present emotional state of the parent which may be out of anger. B. Things to be learned regarding corporal punishment and child abuse Corporal punishment may be in the form of symbolic gestures of slapping or knuckling in the head (Graciano, 1994). Whereas, child abuse is explicitly the mark of left (physical, psychological, and emotional) damage in the children who received the severe and intense negative punishment from the parent/s.Occasional spanking and its frequency was found by many counselors to lead into the increase of frequency and intensity of the habit. This results to the unawareness of the parents that they are actually executing child abuse among their child or children. C. Cultural factors to put into account when working with Hispanic families Cultura l factors needs to be taken into consideration when working with Hispanic families. As they are known to prioritize familism, they are more probably to induce harm to impose discipline among their children.Moreover, Hispanic families are found to be more likely to abuse their children due to the repressive state they are currently experiencing from anxiety in coping and adjusting within their culturally diverse society. II. Recommendations and Suggestions I would like to recommend to the school counselors that how to work with both teachers and families is to associate household like that of a manager leading his subordinates at work. Similarly, leaders, as counterparts of parents, should not practice negative reinforcement among their employees.Most likely, leaders are expected to promote exacting attitude among their subordinates to increase the employees likelihood to perform their best at work. Same with the family, parents should positively reinforce the positive behavior of their children rather than negatively punishing them to decrease the tendency negative behavior among their children in the future (Holtzman et. al. ) References Graciano, (Initials). (1994) (Title). Holtzman, D. , Kruger, E. J. , & Srock, C. D. (year). Generational Diversity Scenarios in the For-Profit and Nonprofit Sectors. NJ The Richard Stockton College of New Jersey.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
English Language: Key to Global Access
English Language Key to Global Access By Kyle A. Tumapang Language is the blood of the soul in which thoughts run and out of which they grow, as once said by Oliver Wendell Holmes. We abidenot deny that we are all experiencing the effects of globalization. Globalization, as we all k this instant, is the process of interaction, and integration among peoples, companies, and governments of contrasting nations. Due to its continuous rise, the unity of people around the world is greatly needed.But how net unity be achieved if these people, with different cultures and languages, fail to communicate and understand all(prenominal) other? English language plays a great role in having global access. Not just for the reason that it is the universal language, but also to the feature that it contributes much to many aspects of life, like when you are travelling to other countries, you can really expect that these people will speak using their native language. Yet, you can assure that a few o f these people know how to speak using the English language.Their accent might be different and would vary every now and then, but their statements are completely understandable. Let me cite you an example, from an accent of Good day mate to a simple Good day, both lull have the same meaning. In countries like the Philippines, which it consists of 7,107 islands with people of unlike cultures, the languages they speak also differ. During these situations, English can be the bridge in their communication. In the field of honor of education, English is the medium used in most of the basic subjects like Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Math.Moreover, all correspondences between offices in different countries, and also between political leadership of various nations, are still in English. This linking factor significantly tells us the importance of the English language. English is also the mainstay of internet users. This is the language in which most of the training and websites a re available. Thus, the given situations emphasize the importance of the English language in the field of globalization. In addition to this, English language can also lead the progress of a nation.Citing the Philippines as an example, the country is recently proclaimed as the third largest English speaking nation in the world. With this information there is no surprise that Philippines was named as the best country in Business English, according to a recent study of the Global English Corporation. Philippines attain a score above 7. 0, a BEI level within range of a high proficiency that indicates an ability to take an active role in business discussions and perform relatively complex tasks.The corporation also noted that a countrys business English capability is an indicator of its sparing growth and business success. If also other countries would imitate the Philippines, there is no doubt that one day these countries would contribute in the field of globalization. English is the puff of all languages. It has become the language of science, commerce, trade and international negotiations. We, would not be surprised that in the future, English can be the reason of the union of various nations, and also be the key to global access.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Islamic cultures Essay
1. Islamic cultures in the European Middle Ages were comparably more advanced and better than the Christianity. Islamic cities in the Middle Ages were boom and became the centers of care and economy. Islamic merchants bought and sold goods from across Africa, Asia and Europe. New technologies such as windmill, block printing as well as new methods of weaving, which were developed in China were brought to Europe by Islamic merchants.Moreover, Islamic cultures during this period were considered mixed and multi-ethnic as it borrowed from the cultures of the people that Muslims conquered or interacted during trading. Greek works by azoic scientists and mathematicians were interpreted into Arabic and used by Islamic Arabs. Islamic cities also became centers for art and learning. Since Islamic society during the Middle Ages valued scholarship Islamic cities became major(ip) sites of major libraries and scholarships.2. Europe provided a route and area for Islamic culture to flourish. In terms of trade, Europe provided the Islamic empires with raw materials while Asia became the center of trade and commerce. Europe also became an avenue of the both Islam and Christianity. Initially, Islam swept mostly all throughout Asia and Europe on the other hand was mainly dominated by Christianity. But eventually, Islam conquered Europe as well which led to the conversion of many parts of Europe into Islam particularly Spain. Islamic Europe were also comparable far-off more superior to those among European Christians, and Islamic cultures were responsible for bringing Asian innovations into Europe.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Negative effects of video games Essay
The US painting game market reached nearly $ 21 billion in sales in 2008. On an average an adolescent spends about(predicate) 10-13 hours per week playing video games. The cause may be attributed to the fact that video games today have become a necessity more than a luxury. They are a unique form of entertainment because they encourage players to become a part of the game. but, video games have both positive and negative impacts on players. While some of them are fun and entertaining, others have drastic effects on children.On one hand, video games are a source of leisure. tidy sum play video games because they want to get away from their everyday stressful life since these games are fun and interesting way to spend time. Another study advantage of playing video games includes improving childrens computer literacy since most of the games nowadays require internet.Also research studies show that video games tend to profit ones hand eye coordination as well as their ability to ma ke quick and reasonable judgements. Educational games provide practice in problem solving and logic and are thus becoming more prevalent as teaching tools for youth in primary and secondary schools. However this is just one side of the coin.Video Games with violent content have far reaching effects on children. Research studies suggest that violent video games increase aggressive behavior among youth. Since violent acts are often rewarded and continually repeated in a game, it highly influences them.Children who see a lot of effect are more likely to view violence as an effective way of settling conflicts and are more likely to assume that violence is refreshing behavior. Also, if one buys an intriguing game, he may get addicted to it, which may lead to drastic consequences. An addiction may lead to physical problems like obesity, headaches, aggrieve to eye, decline in schoolwork productivity, spending problems and confusion between real and unreal. Over dependence on video games could also foster social isolation, as they are often played alone.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Eastern Religions Essay
As far as the studies of Eastern religions show, the founders and saints of the religions exemplify the commutation virtues of the community. There is no wonder that this feature characterizes the religions because there is always a thirst for perfection in e truly community and in every nation. In Indian culture, the main figures are Buddha, Yudhishtira and Arjuna. Buddha represents the virtue of giving up comfort for the highest good and following the Eightfold path (right speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness, concentration, view and intentions).Yudhishtira represents the virtues of wisdom and justice. Yudhishtira lived for justice, and patiently suffered discomposure and exile. An important representative of Indian culture is Arjuna whose greatest virtues were morality, duty, the idea of karma yoga, acting with holy indifference. We can conclude that all the mentioned rudimentary figures reflect the main virtues in Indian culture because the virtues which are the most valued in Indian lecture have always been wisdom, justice, holy indifference.In Chinese culture central figures are Confucius and Lao Tzu. Confucius represents the virtue of goodness which includes an effective concern for well-being of others, rightness, loyalty, knowledge and trust. On the contrary, Lao Tzu completely disagrees with Confucius morality and represents the ideals of primitive utopia without the corrupting accoutrements of civilization. Thus, Confucius ethics rather shows the ideals which are reflected in Chinese culture because high morals and values play an important role in their culture.In our opinion, its very important for religions to have a central figure of a perfect person because it gives people an idea that they have to be like him and they become kinder. The readings close the mentioned central figures in religions support my opinion that Eastern religions devote lots of attention to questions of high morals and this makes the nations virtuous.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
What Disciplinary Sanctions Should Teachers Be Allowed to Use?
In earlier centuries, physical punishment was a common thing. Teachers would use a female genitaliae to hurt their scholars when they misbe gived, thus far more extremely larners would have their children kneel on the ground with their hands in the air for an hour to cause them considerable pain in places such(prenominal) as Africa. However, now these types of punishments are seen as immoral and unthinkable by parents and teachers. Students are now punished with keeps and notes to their parents which although less severe is arguably a get around and more popular policy for schools.Firstly, hitting as a corrective authorize should not be allowed by teachers because it does not teach children anything. School is designed to teach children the skills they will need as a grown up which includes knowing right from wrong. Hitting as a punishment does not teach this lesson because the child will only fear pain the next time, instead of understanding that what they did was unacceptab le, and this means that they can not advance intellectually. Furthermore, hitting is wrong because it is painfulness children. A lot of the time, blasphemous behaviour stems from problems at home which children usually cannot pr thus fart from happening.So hitting leave children feeling more despondent and confused when they should be getting help from their school. Teachers can also so easily go to far when they are hitting children, and even if guidelines are put for how long or for what reason a child should be hit, there is no steering we can monitor the teachers. Therefore hitting can not be a long term or safe way to bring up school children well. However, nigh argue that hitting as a disciplinary challenge should be brought back because detentions and other types of modern day punishments are just not good enough.Surely making them feel fear before doing a zeroy thing, will eventually condition them to realise that doing certain things are bad because you will be severe ly punished? Moreover there are some students who are too naughty for other less severe punishments and therefore hitting is the only way to get them to behave. The more modern disciplinary sanction of detentions are an arguably much better form of punishment for all students because it forces them to stay in school one hour longer than usual. Most children can not wait to get out(p) of school so that they can go out with their friends.Therefore staying behind at school makes children feel left out and this will arguably stop them from doing a naughty thing because they would not want to stay in school when they could be with having fun with their friends. Furthermore, other methods such as being hit by your teacher can not be made aware to the parents as easily as getting detention after school can. In most cases a letter is sent home, but even if one isnt, the parents would notice the lateness of the student and would eventually find out.Students would have to deal with their par ents punishment for getting a detention coupled with the school punishment and this all means that a repeat rudeness should be much less likely. However this is not practically the case because detentions simply are not severe enough to stop exceptionally naught children from misbehaving. Children are easily able to fabricate lies for their parents and never have them no about the hour they had to spend at school doing homework or even being with their friends who got detention as well. cargo area, nowadays, is more of an annoying chore than anything to really avoid by students. Recently there have been studies showing a Brobdingnagian increase in the amount of swearing and abusive behaviour in classrooms in poorer areas of Greater London. It is imperative that we have proper sanctions for these students because without it a naughty student will continue his or her bad behaviour onto the street and this could result in terrible consequences.So, arguably the method of detention is a weak way of punishment because it is not harsh enough to stop children being naughty but at the moment there seems to be no other comparatively effective way to punish children. In conclusion, hitting is seen mainly by all as inhumane and unnecessary for the development of children and simply too severe. Detention similarly is seen as a waste of time, ineffective and just not severe enough. Therefore, it is crucial that schools come up with a new modern disciplinary sanction that has the right amount of severity to be able to combat the raising number of naughty children in certain schools.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Ongc Corporate Governence
corporal Governance Corporate Governance is a reflection of the companys culture, their relationship with stakeholders and commitment to values. ONGC has a pioneer in benchmarking its bodily governance practices with the best in the world. ONGC Corporate Governance philosophy is based on the avocation principles- Achieving high level of transparency, openness and accountability and fairness in all areas of operation. Promoting ethical conduct throughout the organization with primary objective of enhancing shareholders value.Sound system of internal control to mitigate the risks. contour of law, rules and rule in true letter and spirit. Independent verification of the companys financial reporting Strategic supervision by the venire of directors of appropriate composition, size, vary experience and commitment to discharge their responsibilities. Timely and balanced disclosure of all material information to all Stakeholders. Protection of the interest of all Stakeholders In cred it entry of excellence in corporate governance, the following awards have been conferred on ONGC I.SCOPE Meritorious Award for Corporate Governance 2006-07 received II. ICSI subject Award for Excellence in Corporate Governance 2003 III. well-heeled Peacock Global Award for Corporate Governance in Emerging Economics 2005, 2007 and 2008 by World Council, U. K IV. Golden Peacock Award foe Excellence in Corporate governance by the Institute of Directors in the years 2002, 2005 and 2006. The company is managed by the display panel of Directors which explicates strategies, policies and reviews its cognitive operation.The board of Directors has an adequate combination of Functional and Non-Executive Director. The company has a practice of periodic retreats where all the members of the Board and senior officials of the Ministry of Petroleum & Natural bollocks discuss issues of Corporate Strategy and Policy. The company be a PSU, all Directors are appointed/ Nominated by the President of India. Board / commission Meetings and Procedures 1. Institutionalized decision reservation action 2. Scheduling and selection of Agenda items for Board/Committee Meetings 3.Recording minutes of proceedings at the Board Meeting 4. Follow up mechanism 5. Compliance 6. Training and evaluation of non-executive Board members To have the benefit of cumulative knowledge and experience of the ONGC family, an assembly of the past and present members of the erstwhile Oil & Natural Gas Commission and Board is organized every year. The key Executives in-charge of Assets, Basins, Services and Institutes meet periodically with CMD and the functional Directors to review performance and to formulate future plans.The company has the following committees of the board Audit & Ethics Committee The role of audit & ethics committee includes the following i. Oversight of the companys financial reporting process and the disclosure of its financial information to ensure that the financial education is correct , sufficient and credible. ii. Recommending to the board, the appointment, re-appointment and if requisite , the replacement or removal of the statutory auditor and the fastening of audition fees. ii. Approval of payment to statutory auditors for any services rendered by the statutory auditors. iv. Reviewing with the management , the statement of uses / application of funds raised through an issue, the statement funds utilized for purposes other than those stated in the offer document and the report submitted by the monitoring agency monitoring the utilization of proceeds of a public or rights issue, and making appropriate recommendations to the board to take up steps. v.Reviewing with the management performance of statutory and internal auditors adequacy of the internal control systems. vi. Reviewing with the management, the quarterly financial statement before submission to the board of approval. vii. Reviewing the adequacy of internal audit function viii. Discussio n with internal auditors any significant findings and follow up there on. ix. Discussion with the auditory before the audit commences about the nature and scope of audit. x. To review the functioning of the whistle blower mechanism. Remuneration CommitteeONGC being a Government Company, appointed and terms and condition of remuneration of Executive Directors are determined by the Government through administrative ministry, the Ministry of Petroleum & National Gas. Non Executive Part time official Directors do not draw any remuneration. Shareholders/ Investors Grievance Committee The Shareholders/ Investors Grievances committee specifically looks into redressing of Shareholders and investors complaints pertaining to transfer of shares, non receipt of annual reports, dividend payments and other miscellaneous reports.The committee too monitors implementation and compliance of companys code of conduct for insider handicraft in ONGCs securities. Human Resource management Committee The term of reference include consideration of all issues concerning human resource planning and management, HR policies and initiatives and promotion. Project Appraisal Committee It examines and makes recommendations to the Board on projects or Capital investment. Health, Safety and environs Committee The terms of reference includes review of policy, processes and systems on Safety, Health, Environment and Ecology aspects.Financial Management Committee The committee looks upon the matters pertaining to Budget, Delegation of power commercial issues, Forex and Treasury Management, Capital structure, Issue of Securities, Short and long term loans periodical performance review of subsidiaries. Apart from the above committees, the Board from time to time, constitutes Functional committee with specific terms of reference as it may be fit. Meeting of such committees are held as and when the need for discussing the matter concerning the purpose arises.Time schedule for holding the meetings o f such committees are finalized in consultation with the committee members. Code of Conduct for Members of the Board and Senior Management The Company is committed to conducting business in accordance with the highest standards of business ethics and complying with applicable laws, rules and regulations. A code of conduct, evolved in line with the industry practices was adopted by the board on the recommendations of Audit and Ethics committee. All members of the board and senior management have compliance with the code of conduct for the year.Subsidiary supervise Framework All subsidiaries of the company are Board managed with their boards having their rights and obligations to manage such companies in the best interest of their stakeholders. As a majority shareholder, the company nominates its representatives on the boards of subsidiary company and monitors the performance of company periodically. Disclosures The Company has not entered into any material financial or commercial t ransactions with the Directors or the Management or their relatives or the companies and firms, etc. in which they are either directly or through their relatives interested as Directors and/or Partners except with certain PSUs, where the Directors are Directors without the required shareholdings. The company has compiled with applicable rules and the requirement of regulatory authorities on capital market and no penalties or strictures were imposed on the company. Means of Communication every quarter or Annual results News release, Presentation Website Annual Report Guidelines on Corporate Governance by DPE No Presidential Directive has been issued during 2008-09 and the last three years.No items of expenditure have been debited in books of accounts, which are not for the purpose of business. No expenses, which are personal in nature, have been incurred for the Board of Directors and top management. The administrative and smirch expenses were 3. 79% of total expenses during 2008- 09 as against 5. 45% during the previous year. The decrease in 2008-09 is on account of reversal in 2008-09 of excess pay revision arrear provided during 2007- 08 and also provision of additional gratuity in 2007-08 due to increase in the maximum amount of gratuity to Rs. 10 Lakh from Rs. 3. 5 Lakh.
Monday, May 20, 2019
ââ¬ÅMy Son the Marineââ¬Â by Frank Schueffer Essay
The story My discussion the nautical Is written by Frank Schueffer. The rea male child for this paper is to identify weather or no to indite used logos ethos or pathos in the story. The story took place on a summer day. One day after high school a young boy decides he treasured to juncture the military. The young boy talks to almost all of the military recruiters except one. Later that good afternoon there was a knock on his door from the one military branch he did non visit, The United States Marine Corp (USMC). The boy was taken by the appearance and demeanor of the two marines at his door. After his talk with the marines he decided that is he was to join the military he would definitely join the marine. The boys capture could not understand his conclusiveness. he thought it was a waste of his watchwords talent and could envision his soft son the one that like poetry would be defective enough to handle the manpowertal, physical and emotional aspects of the locomote to becoming a Marine .Later in the story the father starts to understand the question of why his son wants to join the USMC. The logos of this story is shown when the father changes his mind set from, my son couldnt possibly be a Marine to thinking of his son as a Marine. Did he have it in him to become a Marine? I knew that legerdemains idea of a good time was to curl up in front of the fireplace and rereading his favorite bits of The Hobbit. To a pargonnt worst fear is that there children will try something that is out of the country of knowledge and the child gets there hope up only to fall short of their goals. When his son abut in, a tall Marine every parent dreams that there children will succeed. There are only a few examples of ethos one was shown when the father was over thinking his sons decision to join the military. Why the hell was John going into the Marines? The other exampleof ethos, which is more profound, is the last fracture of the story but certainly no least w hen the father hangs up the phone from talking to his son.I stared at the television there were fire-fighters cops and military personnel struggling to find survivors and thousands dead. I felt profoundly frustrated being able to do nothing. At least I knew that I could look the men and women in uniform in the eyes. My son, after all, was one of them. The former did a great job of twist repore and empathy for the father in the story. The author was able to use creative use of words to set the note or mood of the fathers confusion about his sons need for to become the few the high-flown a Marine. The tone that was created was soft, protective, and thoughtful. And showed a change in tone and mode when the fathers son in conclusion graduated and became a Marine The story, in conclusion, is a heartfelt story of a man and his son. It concerns the journey off what parents go through when saying goodbye to their children as they set off in mysterious and unchartered territory. The pr ide the parents feel when their children succeed is exponential. The author wss able to capture the heart sting of the reader. Although the author used false logic to almost convince the father that his son was destined to fail.Works CitedScueffer, Frank. My Son the Marine. Reading Literature and writing assignements 4th ed.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Letter of Advice on Communication Essay
I am honored that you would seek my advice on communication in your relationship. There atomic number 18 many comp iodinents to heartfelt communication, many think that profound communication comes naturally. The fact that we acquire been communicating all of our lives does not bastardly that we do it well. (Sole, K, 2011 ch1. 1). Communication is complex, it requires many acquisitions and you moldiness be go for issue to not only practice these, solely also continue development to improve these. There gouge be many issues while learning to pass effectively.In order to champion you in your quest for knowledge I will go over a few important things I think you should know about inter individualised communication. This advice should help you in your lives together. When it comes to a healthy relationship, effective communication is the cornerst whiz on which you fix it. If you cannot communicate properly, it will have effects in your personal life. When it comes to relations hips, effective communication is the most important skill that integrity can learn. Explain principles and misconceptions in effective interpersonal communications It is important to assure why we communicate.We communicate for a reason. The primary goal of communication is to shargon meaning and to connect with other people. Understanding these serviceman needs and communication purposes is essential to success as a communicator. (Sole, 2011) There are many purposes for communicating. sensation of the most basic purposes is to meet personal needs. Humans are social animals we need to interact with one another. Another purpose is to learn about yourself and others, this is a process that you mustiness continue well into your relationship, I will provide you advice on how to do this.The most important purpose in your case is to build and maintain relationships. Effective communication is the glue that will hold your relationship together. There are reliable skills that are re quired to be an effective communicator. Listening skills are essential research indicates that most people spend more time listening than talking, however most people have had little direction on how to be an effective listener. Listening requires focus and attention failure to listen effectively is one of the key hunting expeditions of miscommunication.People skills are important to communication as well, this skill requires a wide veer of skills in itself. You must be able to determine the appropriate self disclosure, which means how much personal information to share with others, assertion skills, collaborative skills, problem solving skills, and conflict resolution skills. Emotional intelligence operation is another skill that you must learn. This means understanding emotions and expressing emotions appropriately. Appropriate skill selection is another skill in effective communication this means the ability to recognize communication problems when they arise.The final critic al skill is communicating ethically, this means the ability to understand what constitutes ethical communication. I have given you the basics in order to better explain how effective communication will enhance your relationship. Describe the process by which self concept is developed and maintained It is important in communication to realize who you are as an individual. How you carry yourself can reflect in your interpersonal relationships and communications. Your self-concept is made up several components.You may have a physical self concept, how you look. You may have an academic self-concept I am a good student for example. The first step to develop and maintain self-concept is to find out what your self-concept is. A good focal point to do this is to take a pen and paper and write I am on it, and thus in ten minutes write as many descriptions of yourself as you can. This will help you realize what you believe about yourself. This can be critical to maintaining a healthy relat ionship. Self concept is go around learned and maintained through interpersonal communication.You construct partially your-self concept by choosing to accept or reject what other people tell you about you. Through communication with others you can use manner of speaking and actions to influence other peoples opinions of you. Recognize how address have the power to create and discover attitudes, behavior and perception When communicating with to each one other choose your words wisely. Words are effective tools the words you use can have multiple intentions and interpretations.Choosing the wrong words can stretch out to miscommunication and lead to conflict. Your choice of words reflect your attitude to show an example of this to etter explain the concept, if you work with someone who is accompaniment about things, if you like them you would call them detail oriented, if you dont you might call them picky or fussy. (Sole, 2011) Both terms have the same meaning, however one ha s a negative connotation, the other is positive. The words you choose to use will also have an effect on perception of the person you are communicating with, if you realize this it may save a lot of miscommunication conflicts. Evaluate the proper level of self-disclosure in relationships It is important to keep your personal communication going.This means you have to have whole tone communication beyond about who is going to pick up the kids, pay the bills, or call the grandparents. (Schoenberg, 2011) You have to have quality communication. If you plan to get married and live together for a lifetime, you must continue to show invade and learn about one another. Ask each other random questions, tell your spouse you fears, feelings, doubts and perceptions with each other. Researchers have linked self-disclosure with marital satisfaction. That is why self-disclosure is key to your relationship, you have to take the time for quality communication. name barriers to effective interperso nal interactions If you practice your communication skills you can avoid most barriers to your interpersonal interactions. One thing to keep in mind is that researchers found that most couples think that they communicate better than they do (U. S. news and Report, 2011). If you are close in your relationships you may assume that your spouse automatically understands what you mean when you speculate something. If you say its getting hot in here when you are cold, your spouse may think that you are making an amorous advance and may not go turn up the temperature in the house.You must be patient when things like this happen as well and remember that effective communication must be worked at and does not automatically happen. When it comes to relationships effective communication is the most important skill you can learn to keep your relationship alive. If you do not communicate effectively, it can lead to conflicts. These conflicts can cause couples to break up. If you continue to pr actice your communication skills, you will have a higher chance of having a happy marriage. Good luck and congratulations on your engagement.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Designation of Phylum Cryptomycota Within Kingdom Fungi
Designation of phylum cryptomycota within kingdom kingdom Fungi Introduction The cryptomycota atomic number 18 considered to be to be an early branching clade of organisms, the only known members are species that belong in the genus Rozella (Lara et al 2010, Jones et al 2011, James and Berbee 2012). It has been suggested due largely to the amount of environmental sequences collected the phylum may be as assorted as the whole kingdom kingdom Fungi (Jones et al 2011).While Rozella were originally placed in the fungal phylum Chytridiomycota(Jones and pain 2012), a multi-gene molecular phylogeny of the Chytridiomycota found Rozella was in fact part of a separate bloodline considered to be the most basal lineage within the fungal kingdom (James et al 2006). Analysis of environmental DNA samples base on the analysis of SSU RNA (small subunit ribosomal RNA genes)had revealed 26 sequences, previously unknown, which agglomerative closely to two species of Rozella included in the surv ey (Lara et al 2010).Lara et al tentatively named this clade Rozedilla (Lara et al 2010, Jones et al 2011). However this clade was expanded to include 40 sequences found in marine and freshwater environments. This clade was renamed cryptomycota to reflect the dapple of the group relative to the fungi and its mostly hidden nature, as a large number of the phylum are only known from SSU RNA environmental surveys and their similarity in morphology and life-cycle to the Rozella is unknown (Jones et al 2011).Cryptomycota mobile phones from freshwater samples, most nonably from the Washington Singer pond (Exeter University, Devon, UK, 50. 7339uN, 3. 5375uW), were visualised with fluorescence in situ hybridization techniques. These target prison cells were shown to be small eukaryotes 3 to 5 ? meters in length (Jones et al 2011). Counter-staining with TAT1 tubulin revealed The target cells capable of forming a microtubule based flagellum (see fig 1)(Jones et al 2011). Chitin was non found in any of the morphs observed, this was tested by co-staining with cell protect markers (calcofluor white and lectin wheat germ agglutinin).Cellulose was also non present (Jones et al 2011). FIG 1 Micrographs showing flagella on cryptomycota cells, as detected by TAT1 tubulin antibody(Jones et al 2011) This take led Jones et al to the culture that the Cryptomycota were an in callediate group between fungus and protists. Others such as James and Berbee contend that they may have confounded their dinner jacket through convergence. Rather than evolutionary intermediates, the cryptomycota may be strange, divergent fungi (James and Berbee 2012).The term dinner jackets here refers to cell walls. Some such as Griffith, Voight and Kirk would not consider the phylum fungal, but a non fungal opisthkonta like the Microsporidia(2011). In this essay I intended to explore the evidence both for and against the comprehension of the phylum Cryptomycota in the kingdom fungi. To do this it is important to understand the characteristics and life-cycle of Cryptomycota and what makes an organism part of the kingdom fungi. Characteristics of CryptomycotaThe known Cryptomycota Rozella is a genus of entirely parasitic species that infect the thalli and sporidia of Chytridiomycota , Blastocladiomycota and some species of Oomycota. Study of Rozella allomycis , the only cultured Rozella species has shown it does ,unlike Fungi, not process cell walls at any time during there trophic phases like Fungi however they exhibit a zoosporic uniflagilate degree in which they propagate(Jones and Pang 2012) . James and Berbee demonstrated that chitin is present in the inner cell wall of immature spores via calcofluor white staining(2012).Zoospores attach to receptors on the surface of its host ,penetrating its surface with a germ resistance before developing a naked multinucleate sporangium (Jones and Pang 2012)It is theorised that the uptake of nutrients is via phagocytosis (Powell 1984), however this is not known to be true of all Rozella. Zoospores form inside the host before being explosive discharged from exit papillae(Jones and Pang 2012) . Jones et als contemplation of Cryptomycota cells show a certain similarity to the life-cycle of Rozella.Three life stage cycles were observed (fig 2), a zoosporic uniflagelate morph ,a non-flagellate cyst morph and a parasitic morph where the organism is attached to a host diatom . Jones et al admit, however, that stages in the life-cycle are likely to have been missed in their study and due to the diversity of the Cryptomycota, the life-cycle is unlikely to represent the entirety of the group (2011). Chitin was not found in any of the stages observed (Jones et al 2011) FIG 2Putative Cryptomycota skeleton life-cycle (Jones et al 2011)Are Cryptomycota fungi? The penguin dictionary of biology defines Fungi as a kingdom of eukaryotic primarilary acellular organisms typically organised into cylindrical hypha . Their b read and butter is osmotrophic and never phagotrophic . Hyphal walls are characterised by chitin and ? -glucans (2004). Cryptomycota differs greatly from this standard definition of a fungi by not processing a cell wall ,forming hyphae and is likely to be phagotrophic. There are other organisms that are included in the kingdom fungi that do not fit with these definitions .For example yeasts reproduce by budding and are not organised into hypha. Zoospores are a shared characteristic with zoosporic true fungi and in most phylogenies constructed Cryptomycota are basal to fungi. Information on the life cycle stages is incomplete , it is assertable some examples of cryptomycota process a chitinous cell wall at some stage in their life-cycles (Jones et al 2011). As a lot is uncertain about the cryptomycota it is hard to include or overleap them from the kingdom fungi and it seems premature to dub them the most basal fungi .As James and Berbee suggest the discharge of a chitinous cell w all may be a secondary adaptation to parasitism not indication of a basal fungi (2012). Almost anything could be found and much needs to be before they can be defined as true fungi such as observation of cell division and determination whether members of cryptomycota are phagotrophic or not. What is certain that if this phylum is included in the kingdom fungi , the definition for the whole group must change.
Friday, May 17, 2019
It is fall apart to die on feet than to conk out on knees ventilation, or by through their relationships with themselves, other people, or level a higher being. Alice Walker, an Africa 12 scalawag 2811 manner of speaking feeling of Pi Pi (short for Piecing Molotov Patella) is a modern Indian male child growing up in South India in the sasss. His founder owns a zoo and, with increasing policy-making unrest in India, decides to rat up and emigrate to Canada. In reliable Noshs ark fashion, they accomp any(prenominal) the wild animals on board the ship on 3 scallywag 594 Words skulduggery for heart Lulls Dirty tog brio cannot get any harder, exclaimed Luis Cor wizr from Anchorman, Mexico.Standing five feet- seven inches t all(prenominal) wearing tight time of origin blue Levis jeans, plain pureness shirt and a faded dodger baseball cap, the stimulateer gets prepared at the crack of forenoon to go to work. As Luis gets 5 varlet 1242 dustup Quotes About Life (Time ha s a wonderful way of showing us what authentically matters. Margaret Peters (Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, plainly when there is nothing left to counter away. Antoine De Saint-Expert (Be kind to unkind people, for they study it most. (Always act 21 varlet 51 54 wordsGrandma Galloway Life bilgewater Grandma Galloway animation tier Sunday marks forth- teen years since Grandma Galloway passed away. Some eld It feels Like It has been years, other days It feels Like minutes. Many years ago, my dad nicknamed his mother-in-law Grandma name. Unfortunates 6 Page 1355 words Struggle to advantage Life is ripe of twists and turns . Every atomic number 53 has to battle here in this world to cudgel every obstacle in the way to success. For this hard work is necessary. Without working hard and Just by sitting idle it volition be hard for one to get success. Since from childhood and till instantly I always think up the 2 Page 280 words BuddhaS hakespeare used this dramatic cast of characters in lots of his plays and we can make up ones mind that Arthur Miller has used it in A view from 1024 words Refugee Life Racial 2 members and approximately have been arrested or kidnapped. With full of pain and sorrow and with the hope to withdraw we crossed the meet. As currently as we crossed the border we encountered robbers. We made some ways to prevail off from them . We left our planetary house moved towards the darkness, betting go 69 words The Views and Concepts of Deadlier Therapy The field of psychology today is extremely orient towards empirical data, which means concepts mustiness be strainn scientifically.Deadlier therapy tends to be criticized for its inadequacy of scientific data, which is difficult to prove because its not based on cause and effect. Instead, it takes the vie 18 Page 4251 words Third Reich Slaughtering of heathenish Life Hitler seizes control The Slaughtering of ethnic life (Notes for an oral presentation) Introduction soon after appointment of Hitler as chancellor of Germany in Jan 1933 G. Ordination) of German culture began Nazis extended policy of fishgig The Struggle for Womens Rights Abstract In the following report, you will memorise about how women have put earlier great efforts to obtain a place in this world and how men have suppressed the talents of women. disregarding of how far women have gotten in this world, they continue to struggle to fall in behind the stereotypes that men 10 rapscallion 241 5 words moment of Life. What is the meaning of Life? Among all the other philosophical questions, the most of the essence(p) one seems to be the one regarding our life. Is there a meaning of life?And if there is, what is it? How shall we stick up? There is no correct answer to this questions but a lot of possibilities define w 1023 words Days of Our Life The ball is savourless Thomas L Friedman To Matt and Kay and to Ron Contents How the World Beca me Flat One While I Was Sleeping / 3 both The Ten Forces That Flattened the World / 48 Flattenerl. 11/9/89 Flattener 2. 8/9/95 Flattener 3. Work Flow Software Flattener 4. Open-sourcing Flatted 683 foliate 170712 words Just Life, zip Personal Terror comradeship Nags bob Just life, nothing individualised Every human life is full of ups andSpeechIt is better to die on feet than to live on knees ventilation, or by through their relationships with themselves, other people, or even a higher being. Alice Walker, an Africa 12 Page 2811 words Life of Pi Pi (short for Piecing Molotov Patella) is a young Indian boy growing up in South India in the sasss. His give owns a zoo and, with increasing political unrest in India, decides to sell up and emigrate to Canada. In true Noshs ark fashion, they accompany the wild animals on board the ship on 3 Page 594 Words Chicane for Life Lulls Dirty Shoes Life cannot get any harder, exclaimed Luis Coroner from Anchorman, Mexico.Standing five feet- se ven inches stately wearing tight vintage blue Levis jeans, plain white shirt and a faded Dodger baseball cap, the worker gets prepared at the crack of dawn to go to work. As Luis gets 5 Page 1242 words Quotes About Life (Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters. Margaret Peters (Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. Antoine De Saint-Expert (Be kind to unkind people, for they need it most. (Always act 21 page 51 54 wordsGrandma Galloway Life Story Grandma Galloway life story Sunday marks forth- teen years since Grandma Galloway passed away. Some days It feels Like It has been years, other days It feels Like minutes. Many years ago, my dad nicknamed his mother-in-law Grandma name. Unfortunates 6 Page 1355 words Struggle to Success Life is full of twists and turns . Everyone has to struggle here in this world to overcome every obstacle in the way to success. For this hard work is necessary. Witho ut working hard and Just by sitting idle it will be hard for one to get success. Since from childhood and till now I always remember the 2 Page 280 words BuddhaShakespeare used this dramatic form in lots of his plays and we can see that Arthur Miller has used it in A view from 1024 words Refugee Life Racial 2 members and some have been arrested or kidnapped. With full of pain and sorrow and with the hope to return we crossed the border. As soon as we crossed the border we encountered robbers. We made some ways to run off from them . We left our home moved towards the darkness, betting go 69 words The Views and Concepts of Deadlier Therapy The field of psychology today is extremely oriented towards empirical data, which means concepts must be proven scientifically.Deadlier therapy tends to be criticized for its lack of scientific data, which is difficult to prove because its not based on cause and effect. Instead, it takes the vie 18 Page 4251 words Third Reich Slaughtering of Cultur al Life Hitler seizes control The Slaughtering of cultural life (Notes for an oral presentation) Introduction soon after appointment of Hitler as chancellor of Germany in Jan 1933 G. Ordination) of German culture began Nazis extended policy of GIG The Struggle for Womens Rights Abstract In the following report, you will read about how women have put forward great efforts to obtain a place in this world and how men have suppressed the talents of women. Regardless of how far women have gotten in this world, they continue to struggle to leave behind the stereotypes that men 10 page 241 5 words Meaning of Life. What is the meaning of Life? Among all the other philosophical questions, the most important one seems to be the one regarding our life. Is there a meaning of life?And if there is, what is it? How shall we live? There is no right answer to this questions but a lot of possibilities define w 1023 words Days of Our Life The World is Flat Thomas L Friedman To Matt and Kay and to Ro n Contents How the World Became Flat One While I Was Sleeping / 3 Two The Ten Forces That Flattened the World / 48 Flattenerl. 11/9/89 Flattener 2. 8/9/95 Flattener 3. Work Flow Software Flattener 4. Open-sourcing Flatted 683 page 170712 words Just Life, Nothing Personal Terror Camaraderie Nags bob Just life, nothing personal Every human life is full of ups andSpeechQuaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah My Topic is about any Leader, so In this world there are many leaders. We know most of them, but my speech is about Quaid-e-Azam. He was a Great politician and statesman of 20th century. He was generally known as the father of state of Pakistan. He was the leader of The Muslim League and served as the first Governor General of Pakistan. Quaid-e-Azam was his official names. His real name is Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Quaid-e-Azam (The Great Leader) and Baba-e-Qaum(Father of the Nation) was the name given by the humankind of Pakistan.Quaid-e-Azam,Muhammad Ali Jinnah was born on 25th December 187 6 at Vazeer Mansion Karachi, was the first of seven children of Jinnahbhai, a stentorian merchant. After being taught at home, Jinnah was sent to the Sindh Madrasasah High School in 1887. Later he go to the Mission High School, where, at the age of 16, he passed the matriculation examination of the University of Bombay. On the advice of an side friend, his father decided to send him to England to acquire business experience. Jinnah, however, had made up his mind to become a barrister.In memory with the custom of the time, his parents arranged for an early marriage for him before he left for England. In London he joined Lincolns Inn, one of the legal societies that prepared students for the bar. In 1895, at the age of 19, he was called to the bar. While in London Jinnah suffered two severe bereavementsthe deaths of his wife and his mother. Nevertheless, he completed his formal studies and also made a study of the British political system, frequently visiting the menage of Commons. He was greatly influenced by the liberalism of William E. Gladstone, who had become bloom of youth minister for the fourth time in 1892, the year of Jinnahs arrival in London. Jinnah also took a lancinate interest in the affairs of India and in Indian students. When the Parsi leader Dadabhai Naoroji, a leading Indian nationalist, ran for the English Parliament, Jinnah and other Indian students worked day and night for him. Their efforts were crowned with success, and Naoroji became the first Indian to sit in the House of Commons.When Jinnah returned to Karachi in 1896, he found that his fathers business had suffered losses and that he now had to depend on himself. He decided to start his legal practice in Bombay, but it took him years of work to establish himself as a lawyer. Jinnah first entered politics by participating in the 1906 Calcutta session of the Indian National copulation, the political party that called for dominion status and later for independence for India. Four years later he was elected to the gallant Legislative Councilthe beginning of a long and distinguished parliamentary career.In Bombay he came to know, among other important Congress personalities, Gopal Krishna Gokhale, the eminent Maratha leader. Greatly influenced by these nationalist politicians, Jinnah aspired during the early part of his political life to become a Muslim Gokhale. Admiration for British political institutions and an eagerness to raise the status of India in the international federation and to develop a sense of Indian nationhood among the peoples of India were the chief elements of his politics. At that time, he still looked upon Muslim interests in the context of Indian nationalism.Jinnah had originally been dubious about the practicability of Pakistan, an idea that Sir Muhammad Iqbal had propounded to the Muslim League meeting of 1930 but before long he became convinced that a Muslim homeland on the Indian subcontinent was the only way of safeguarding Musl im interests and the Muslim way of life. It was not religious persecution that he feared so such(prenominal) as the future exclusion of Muslims from all prospects of advancement within India as soon as violence became vested in the close-knit structure of Hindu social organisation.To guard against this danger he carried on a nation-wide campaign to warn his coreligionists of the perils of their position, and he converted the Muslim League into a powerful instrument for unifying the Muslims into a nation. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, addressing a procession on 23rd March, 1940 At this point, Jinnah emerged as the leader of a revived Muslim nation. Events began to move fast. On March 22-23, 1940, in Lahore, the league adopted a resolution to form a separate Muslim state, Pakistan.The Pakistan idea was first ridiculed and then tenaciously opposed by the Congress. plainly it captured the imagination of the Muslims. Pitted against Jinnah were men of the stature of Gandhi and Jawaharlal Nehr u. And the British government seemed to be intent on maintaining the political unity of the Indian subcontinent. But Jinnah led his movement with such skill and tenacity that ultimately both the Congress and the British government had no option but to agree to the partitioning of India.Pakistan thus emerged as an independent state in 14th August, 1947. Jinnah became the first head of the new state i. e. Pakistan. He took affidavit as the first governor general on August 15, 1947. Faced with the serious problems of a young nation, he tackled Pakistans problems with authority. He was not regarded as merely the governor-general he was revered as the father of the nation. He worked hard until overpowered by age and disease in Karachi.SpeechIt is better to die on feet than to live on knees ventilation, or by through their relationships with themselves, other people, or even a higher being. Alice Walker, an Africa 12 Page 2811 words Life of Pi Pi (short for Piecing Molotov Patella) is a young Indian boy growing up in South India in the sasss. His father owns a zoo and, with increasing political unrest in India, decides to sell up and emigrate to Canada. In true Noshs ark fashion, they accompany the wild animals on board the ship on 3 Page 594 Words Chicane for Life Lulls Dirty Shoes Life cannot get any harder, exclaimed Luis Coroner from Anchorman, Mexico.Standing five feet- seven inches tall wearing tight vintage blue Levis jeans, plain white shirt and a faded Dodger baseball cap, the worker gets prepared at the crack of dawn to go to work. As Luis gets 5 Page 1242 words Quotes About Life (Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters. Margaret Peters (Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away. Antoine De Saint-Expert (Be kind to unkind people, for they need it most. (Always act 21 page 51 54 wordsGrandma Galloway Life Story Grandma Galloway life story Sunday marks forth- teen years si nce Grandma Galloway passed away. Some days It feels Like It has been years, other days It feels Like minutes. Many years ago, my dad nicknamed his mother-in-law Grandma name. Unfortunates 6 Page 1355 words Struggle to Success Life is full of twists and turns . Everyone has to struggle here in this world to overcome every obstacle in the way to success. For this hard work is necessary. Without working hard and Just by sitting idle it will be hard for one to get success. Since from childhood and till now I always remember the 2 Page 280 words BuddhaShakespeare used this dramatic form in lots of his plays and we can see that Arthur Miller has used it in A view from 1024 words Refugee Life Racial 2 members and some have been arrested or kidnapped. With full of pain and sorrow and with the hope to return we crossed the border. As soon as we crossed the border we encountered robbers. We made some ways to run off from them . We left our home moved towards the darkness, betting go 69 words The Views and Concepts of Deadlier Therapy The field of psychology today is extremely oriented towards empirical data, which means concepts must be proven scientifically.Deadlier therapy tends to be criticized for its lack of scientific data, which is difficult to prove because its not based on cause and effect. Instead, it takes the vie 18 Page 4251 words Third Reich Slaughtering of Cultural Life Hitler seizes control The Slaughtering of cultural life (Notes for an oral presentation) Introduction soon after appointment of Hitler as chancellor of Germany in Jan 1933 G. Ordination) of German culture began Nazis extended policy of GIG The Struggle for Womens Rights Abstract In the following report, you will read about how women have put forward great efforts to obtain a place in this world and how men have suppressed the talents of women. Regardless of how far women have gotten in this world, they continue to struggle to leave behind the stereotypes that men 10 page 241 5 words Mea ning of Life. What is the meaning of Life? Among all the other philosophical questions, the most important one seems to be the one regarding our life. Is there a meaning of life?And if there is, what is it? How shall we live? There is no right answer to this questions but a lot of possibilities define w 1023 words Days of Our Life The World is Flat Thomas L Friedman To Matt and Kay and to Ron Contents How the World Became Flat One While I Was Sleeping / 3 Two The Ten Forces That Flattened the World / 48 Flattenerl. 11/9/89 Flattener 2. 8/9/95 Flattener 3. Work Flow Software Flattener 4. Open-sourcing Flatted 683 page 170712 words Just Life, Nothing Personal Terror Camaraderie Nags bob Just life, nothing personal Every human life is full of ups and
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Can Blake Be Considered To Be a Romantic Poet
Romantism was an deviceistic movement, which took place between 1770 and 1848. It highlighted a significant change in society. Before, people more often than not believed in the neo-classic system, which was extremely authoritarian, there was no belief in the power of imagination, paintings were realistic portraits or landscapes and publications was inflexible. Everything was more or less constrained.Signs of romatism were pellucid in writers such as Mary Shelly and ETA Hoffman who both entirelyuded to the darkly mysterious aspects of life. Slowly writers started to portray nature in relation to mans sentiments (Gray was a fine example of this). This is displaying imagination, as it is associated with the individuals state of mind. Rousseau was a striking fix in the Romantic Movement, his literature showed adventure and a move in use of imagination.William Blake was an ardent follower of Rousseau and his beliefs. This is evident in his verses, such as The Tiger taken from S ongs Of Innocence. In this poem there is a contest between the tiger and the blacksmith, the tiger being a natural, powerful, willing and full of energy and imagination while the blacksmith ruins, crafts and reconstructs natural materials. It is clear in the poem that Blake had a great degree of respect for the tiger and this is shown where it saysOn what wings hold he aspire? What the hand dare seize the fire.This is taken from the second stanza of the poem, which consists solely of questions. These questions are evidence of Blakes fascination with this creature that is individual in thought and action, that isnt influenced by Urizen and is not affected by the mind forged manacles. It is evident in this poem that Blake was a believer in the power of imagination. He loathed anything that limited or constricted imagination.This is partly from the influence of Jean Jacques Rousseaus The Social Contract, the opening sentence resembles key words that appear in Blakes poems Man is in nate(p) free but everywhere he is in imprisonment. Here, the key words are free and chains. Chains are mentioned a countless number of times in Blakes poems, most noticeably in The Tiger where it says What thy hammer? What thy chain? A hammer is a weapon that shapes (resembling how the church/monarchy shaped society) and a chain is a weapon that restricts and Blake obviously felt that people were being crush.As well as having respect for individual and instinctive creatures like the tiger, Blake was also very fond of children. Many of his poems are found on children with a particular emphasis on childhood memories, for example The Chimney Sweeper and The Nurses Song. both of these poems appear in two parts, each with one in Songs of Innocence and the other in Songs of Experience.This emphasises the rate of individual experience. If we look at The Nurses Song (Innocence), it is clearly portraying a feeling of joy and optimism this is evident where it saysWhen the voices of chil dren are heard on the green And laughing is heard on the hill.Here, the words voices and laughing publish us that children have a voice and are allowed to have a voice, and be expressive. Also, the emphasis on the surrounding environment makes the setting very idyllist (like that of fairy tale). The key concept to this poem is authority. In this poem the nurse is benevolent and lenient. However, in the NUSRSES song (experience), the key figure (the nurse) becomes jealous and self-centred, this is portrayed where it says The days of my young rise fresh in my mind, My face turns green and pale.Now the nurse has envy in her soul, she wants to be like a child again because experience has made her so cynical. Here, there are two important points, one is experience, Blake is showing us how people change with experience, after being constrained and oppressed people became self centred and envious like the nurse. The other factor is childhood, he is emphasising the sacredness and vitality of that part of life. As this is the only time when we can be completely frank and voice our thoughts without hesitation and its accepted.By analysing Blakes poetry and imagery it is clear to overtake that he can be considered a romantic poet. It is clear to see in The Tiger that he believes in the power of imagination and this is also evident in all his work. He emphasises on the value of experience a great amount and this is most obviously shown by the composition of Songs of Experience. All his work shows a subjective point of view, which is expressed through the intensity of the verbiage he uses. He has linked together man and nature (most noticeably) in The Sick Rose and The thud and the Pebble. All his work reflects his state of mind, he is conveying his point of view through his literature and art forms, and this makes him a romantic poet.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Describe a time you set a goal higher than you thought you could Essay
Describe a time you set a purpose higher than you thought you could achieve. Explain the steps you took to achieve your goal. What was the outcome What did you learn from the experience - Essay archetypeTherefore, I set myself a goal of shedding 10 kilograms every week. Unfortunately, I could not achieve this target, which got me so devastated and the motivation to reduce my weight was fast waning.I realized that I was not regulating my calorie intake because I was still stuck with too much junk food. I also move to lose weight by skipping meals, which did no good to my health. I had to review my goal and set applicatory ways of shedding excessive weight. I created a schedule, which included adequate gym time with way of a gym instructor and also set diet timetable with the help of a nutritionist. The result was so amazing. Every week I lost at least 1 kg, which was positive result towards achieving my goal. I realized that success demands specific, measurable, attainable, rel evant and time Bound objective. I also realized that too high and unachievable objectives demoralize people while too easy goals undermine ones
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
The Impact of Web Analytics on E-Commerce Essay
The jounce of Web Analytics on E-Commerce - Essay ExampleManagers are too able to establish what customers need, understand the strain environment and make informed decisions to boost business performance. At the technological, organizational, operations and management levels, sack up analyticals has frightful impacts. Technology has made web analytics possible and effective. With the help of modern technologies, organizations have achieved great goals with web analytics. The penning discusses web analytics and its impacts on the organization on various fronts. The Impact of Web Analytics on E-Commerce from Each of the succeeding(a) Perspectives Management, Technology, and Organizational Web Analytics Web analytics is a ecumenical term that entails the study of the effects of Websites on the users (Hasan and Polya 2009, p814). Harinath et al. (2011, p118) defines web analytics as the web selective information analysis. In other words, the business intelligence permits analys t to have an shrewdness of web-based businesses much(prenominal) as customer support and e-commerce. Web analytics permits an individual to recognize consumer behaviour and identify general trends on sales so that the business can personalize its services for the consumers and increase their satisfaction levels. With web analytics, the business can understand how well its online, content, and products processes are functioning (Harinath et al. 2011, p118). The process of get web information and creating a data warehouse entails collection of data, which is, getting data from commercial enterprises, trio-party sources, campaign advertising, and web logs. It also involves the transformation of data, that is, making the existing log data useful and relating it to the companys campaign advertising, third party, and commercial data sources. It also entails reporting of data, which is, publishing and storing the data in a meaningful air such that the directors and analysts can compr ehend what they are reading (Harinath et al. 2011, p119). The main aim of web analytics is to transform data collected from various sources to get a meaningful intelligence concerning the companys website. It entails the process of storing, analyzing, filtering, and accumulate commerce, click-stream, and third-party data. The click-stream BI situations range from designing the web site better, understanding the navigation patterns, and comprehending what the users search to personalize the recommendations (Harinath et al. 2011, p118). Currently, e-commerce companies or organizations make use of web analytics software to evaluate actual details. These details include the number of throng visiting their site, the number of visitors who are unique, how they came to the site, what keywords they searched with on the sites search engine, how long they stayed on a given page or on the entire site, what links they clicked on, and when they left the site (Hasan and Poyla 2009, p814). Web a nalytic software is also utilized in monitoring if the pages on the site are working appropriately. With such information, the administrators are capable of determining the popular site areas and areas within the site that are not getting traffic. The administrators then use the data collected to streamline the site in a manner, which creates the best draw (Hasan and Poyla 2009, p814). E-commerce is done through the email and the World Wide Web. Television, radio, print media, web banners, and emails are among the common nitty-gritty
Monday, May 13, 2019
Industrialization After the Civil War Thesis and Outline Essay
Industrialization After the civic War Thesis and Outline - Essay ExampleThe period saw the emergence of women organizations as the major(ip) platforms for social and policy-making reforms. The role played by middle-class women in the society changed as more than women began to participate in philanthropic or charitable causes, formed clubs, and emphasized the need for social and political reforms, and got involved in the suffrage movement.The business operation of farmers was significantly boosted since they had the requisite equipment. Better infrastructure open up up the markets, and improved standards of living meant that they had a ready demandThere was increased advocacy against tike exertion in American, which resulted in significant decrease in the number of children working in factories. puerility on western farms changed significantly with the promotion of family interdependence. Children were encouraged on self-reliance, adaptability, and responsibilityIn the wake of contest from immigrant workers who were willing to work longer hours and for lower wages, workers formed labour unions. He major reasons for organized labour unions was to give the workers the powers over controlling the pace of production, gaining improved working conditions, and protecting job
Sunday, May 12, 2019
Explain and show what determines the demand for labour by a perfectly Essay
relieve and show what determines the demand for elbow grease by a perfectly competitive firm - Essay prototypeLabour, is one of the main inputs, along with land, neat and entrepreneurship. The demand for all inputs such as labour is a derived demand. Derived from the output the given factors are used to produce (Begg D., Fischer S. and Dornbusch R., 2000176). Firms will use labour and capital and center on either labour intensive method or capital-intensive methods for production.In the short run, it is assumed that capital is fixed and labour is variable. Accordingly, the demand for labour is based on the profit maximising condition, which can be stated in two ways (Begg D., Fischer S. and Dornbusch R., 2000178).It can be seen that the MPP (which refers to the output of every extra unit of measurement of labour) increases from 0.8 to 1 when labour is increased from 1 worker to 2 workers. However, from the 3rd worker onwards MPP begins to accrue. This is explained by the law o f diminishing returns, which states that if increasing quantities of variable input are applied to a given sum of a fixed input, the marginal product, and the average product of the variable input will eventually decrease (Lipsey and Chrystal, 2004135).However, the firm can continue to add up to 7 workers and still maintain a profit. and then satisfying the profit maximising requirements since the MRP (obtained by multiplying the MPP by the unit price of the good, which is assumed as 500) is higher(prenominal) than Average Variable Cost, which is the wage rate. However, if an 8th worker were to be hired, the AVC will be higher than the MRP, thus the profit maximising condition would be violated. The firm will therefore not expand its labour force to 8 workers (7.5 units of MPP) since the cost of this expansion will be greater than the revenue.At point B, the MRP is at W1 and employment is at L1. The revenue generated by the extra employment is higher than the labour cost since i t supra the wage
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Sports Theory Lesson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sports Theory Lesson - Essay ExampleStudents to learn about health and seaworthiness of the human bodyTo know and understand the working of the various systems of the body and their correlation To understand how to concentrate care of the human body and how to restore vitality of the human bodyWhite board Charts and innovation slides Students to learn what entertainment testing is all about and the various ways it helps in effective sport competitionStudents leave behind look into the science behind develop. Students volition likewise learn how to optimise their training time and exercises Students will be able to understand how the body functions at different levels of exercise. The students will also establish their real and optimal training zonesInternet Interactive white board Laboratory Learners will be able to identify common sporting injuries and prevention techniques.Students will learn to identify and categorize sport injuries. Students will also look into preventive measures that can be adopted to minimize the take chances of injury during sports. The students will also learn how to deal with injuries sustained during sports both psychologically and physically every learners will be able to identify common types of injury and categorise them as per severity and recurrence. The students will in addition be able to identify ways to reduce injuries during preparation, while playing and in between sporting activities. Internet Interactive white board Research analysis
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